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Let's Go For a Walk, πŸ‘£

Movement is life. Movement is medicine. The innumerable benefits of movement aka mobility aka walking can't be stressed enough. Also know in this post what benefits other than health I reaped from my daily ritual of walking.

Let's Go For a Walk, πŸ‘£
#movementislife, #movementismedicine

The Samsung Snow Challenge begins from December 1, 2022, on Samsung Health App. In the challenge, you'll need to complete 2,00,000 steps monthly. It means on average you'll have to walk 6,000-7,000 steps every day. 🚩

Well, I can't thank myself enough that I joined this challenge back in August at the recommendation of my friend. Since then I have completed two challenges (August & October) so far and have walked more than 8,00,000 steps (Over 610 Km). πŸ’―

On the challenge itself, I have gained some great insights by listening to many health & wellness podcasts. Also, I managed to complete a number of certification courses available on online learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and FutureLearn. ⏩

It is only because of this challenge, I have been able to stay ahead of the quiz submissions & keep up with my online courses without even trying. It couldn't have been possible for me to truly enjoy and appreciate this learning process without distractions (bells, alarms, notifications, etc.) while sitting in a room. πŸ’’

Simultaneously, the challenge is teaching me to be perseverant & consistent by having to show up for my walks every day. My commitment to finishing the challenge in a month pushes me to go for walks on days I don't feel like moving. And no doubt I feel so much better and healthier after completing my daily target. βœ…

Moreover, I can't stress enough the numerous benefits of walking. On a mental level:

Β° it clears your mind,

Β° stabilizes your mood,

Β° brings you great insights & ideas, and

Β° nurtures your creativity.

On a physiological level, movement is medicine! It naturally repairs your body & boosts your immunity. As it:

Β° improves digestion & circulation,

Β° increases stamina & bone density

Β° burns calories & maintains weight, and

° the list is endless. ✳

Also, I want to emphasize here that any form of workout (yoga, strength training, etc) that you do cannot substitute for the need for walking. For a complete workout, you must integrate walking with any form of exercise that you do (Complete Workout = Walking + Exercise). β­•

Movement aka mobility is life, and is critical, especially, even more, when our daily desktop job requires us to sit around one-third of our day. It helps relieve stored-up muscle tension, corrects posture & treats postural problems like back pain, etc. It lubricates your joints & strengthens the muscles around them. πŸ’ŠπŸ©Ή

I encourage you to take up this challenge, leverage the multiple benefits of walking by making walking a necessary part of your lifestyle. Yes, it may be possible that it might seem that it's nearly impossible or difficult for you to complete this challenge with ongoing preoccupations & other priorities in your life. 🐣

Don't think too much about completing the challenge anyway (I couldn't earn my badge in September. But I had walked more than 1,90,000 thousands. So earning a badge is great but not greater than the benefits you reap even by missing it by a few thousand steps).

So, just install the app (or any app for that matter) & take your first step. And then, just keep going, keep walking, and keep covering whatever long or short distances you get to. And see for yourself the transformative power of walking on your mind, on your body, on your life & on your overall well-being. πŸ…

P.S: If you want an accountability partner, you can add me on a Samsung Health App. Let's move together, shoulder to shoulder, Β πŸ™Œ