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Run The Runway | Gear up for 2023

We're in the last month of this year! One more month and 2022 is over. Read for what you can do in the coming three weeks before you move into next year.

#runtherunway #gearupfor2023

As we're approaching the end of the year 2022. Take a moment to reflect on how you’ve spent the past eleven months. Are you still following through with your New Year's Resolutions? Or you just lost track of your goals as the months flew by? Never mind, it is never too late, when you wake up its morning!!

‌‌Simply acknowledge whatever little or big wins you've made in these months. Then assess it properly- what is that one thing you wish to accomplish before you move into next year? It could be:

•cultivating a new good habit, (early to bed, early to rise) that's going to serve you a lifetime,

•doing homework for the next venture you're planning on to help you stay on in your game,

•completing a course or learning a skill that's going to make your CV a bit more promising,

•shedding some extra calories to make you gain that extra confidence to ask out someone for a date.

‌‌You see, three/four weeks aren't at all less, they're enough to develop a new habit. If invested properly, there's so much that can be done that people would normally end up doing in a year. Well, here I'd add one thing: calm & consistent effort is any day a lot better than erratic & intense grind. But there are times when you gotta pace up and run a short sprint to boost your endurance for a marathon. It comes quite easily to so many of us, and can sometimes be a favorable option but is never the ideal approach. However!

‌‌So use these remaining weeks of the year 2022 to warm up, to rewire & reorient yourself for the coming year. Because you gotta overcome resistance, break some patterns & build good habits too. This three-week drill will give you a headstart, thus, building you a lot of confidence & of course momentum too. You'll find yourself a lot more prepared, focused & streamlined as opposed to starting fresh & new. So use these weeks as an opportunity to run the runway to smoothly take off up & high above in the sky in the next year.

‌‌But first thing first! Sit down with yourself & introspect where you want to be in the next year: Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. Professionally. Financially. Socially. It goes without saying that for full & wholesome growth, thus, a happy & fulfilling life, you'd need to take each of them into account. You can have it all, if only you believe that you can & put in the effort to well deserve it. Moreover, you can't trade off one in the favour of another to create an overall balance & here's why:

‌‌You gotta take care of your physical health to feel mentally energetic. It is when you feel mentally energetic, you gain emotional stability & maturity. Your emotional stability & maturity is imperative for your spiritual growth (evolution). It is when you're spiritually evolved, you inherently see things clearly & connected from a full perspective. So when you sit and introspect, you hear that voice that's trying to tell you: This is exactly where you need to put in the extra effort.

‌‌Once you figure out the areas that need improvement, you'd subsequently work in the right direction. It naturally makes you improve your craft, your skill, your service, and your game to perform better & be at the top of your game. In moments of distress and despair, the light in your soul makes you trust the process & keeps you hopeful that everything will fall into its place. That the universe will sooner or later conspire to honor your efforts and your dreams. ("The harder I work, the luckier I get." - Samuel Goldwyn)

‌‌It is when our mind, body & heart are in one place, we pave the path to a happy & fulfilling life for ourselves. Thus, our overall health & well-being fuels us to run for the next milestone, launching us with more confidence to strive for higher goals. In other words, a healthy lifestyle embedded in a well-thought-out routine is a way to go places, and manifest our dreams with joy & ease. Nonetheless, it is so close & simple that we often fail to see & understand or even acknowledge it. (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Well-Being = Professional, Financial, & Social Success)

‌‌So use these three weeks to see yourself where you want to be, to figure out what it'll take to be there. Your next step by default would be to devise a routine to put in "concerted efforts towards your goals". In the coming three weeks, track your energy levels during the day and work out trying different routines. It takes many tries before you finally strike that well-thought plan that allows you to accommodate all the corners of your life. ‌‌‌‌Once you have that realistic routine in place for you, that hits a sweet spot between comfort & challenge, master it to maximize it. Follow. Implement. Replicate. Every day. Keep coming back each day. That you learn to juggle many different balls in the air like a pro.

So that next time when someone asks you: do you go out for walks, make time for reading books, take your kids out for a picnic, attend workshops to upgrade your skills, or catch up with friends and relatives? You could say- Ohh sure, can’t imagine my life whole without it. ‌‌‌‌Undoubtedly, it’s not easy to do almost everything without feeling: Gosh! I need time off. I am exhausted! Initially, it takes some effort over a period to eventually train you to juggle different things (not too many but important things) with calm & ease. Moreover, to keep yourself going every subsequent day, forget not to nurture your mind, body, & soul every day. Make time in your day to refuel your body & recharge your mind. For it is going to be a long journey over a large stretch.

Don't let these three weeks fly by, rather take this as an opportunity to fly through them. They will set you in motion and build your momentum to come off with flying colors next year & the coming years. Waste no time, run the runway, and build the acceleration, for the launch you've been waiting for. So your plane finally lifts off the ground, takes off on its journey, and flies you high & soars you to places!

P.S: So what're the one things you gonna focus next three weeks? Make up your mind, and do share it with me on Gmail.

Well, I am going to finish a compulsory certification (YIC - 300 HRS, S-VYASA) in December. I look forward to hearing about your plans, write me back.