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Getting Started | Beating Down Procrastination

What is procrastination, how it feels like, and how to overcome it? Read this short account, maybe it'll help you get started.

Getting Started | Beating Down Procrastination want to get on that task.. you want to get that job done.. but you feel something is holding you back.. you can't put your finger on it.. you feel trapped and restless.. don't feel like moving your little finger.. let alone getting started.. but you can't wait to take it, all at once.. though you've no idea how to start or from where to start.. lie down helpless but your mind isn't still.. you want to escape this prison and fly.. fly high, up in the sky.. you flutter your wings but in hopelessness.. there is restraint in your will and resistance in your action..

..stop, close your eyes.. follow through with your guiding light.. investigate what's taking up your energy.. are they some old patterns of thoughts, feelings, and emotions..

..release them, they don't serve you at all.. free up this energy for things you wish to do.. picture yourself releasing them.. breathe them out, one by one.. poof, up & above in the air.. it's your turn to open those blockages.. scan through, become aware at this moment.. spot them where they're.. are they some limiting beliefs, self-doubt, or false narratives..

..where are they.. in your body or your mind.. visualize yourself unclogging them.. inch by inch.. breathe in some vigor & vitality.. fill your heart with the light of hope.. not fret, go with the flow.. there's so much more waiting for you.. pick yourself up.. stand, and just leave from here.. don’t die moment by moment here, anymore.. move, push yourself through.. you don't want to be stuck up here.. break free from chains of inertia & inaction.. take that first step that you should.. walk through the distance to get it..

P.S.: Don't forget to share with us your tips to beat down procrastination. My personal favorite is the 60-sec practice of kapalbhati. It works like a magic for me.

How!? I'll share it with you in our next post.♥️

Quick Hint: It removes (throws out) excess carbon dioxide from your body, thus, inducing energy & vitality. That's why some people rightly refer to it as vitalizing pranayama. 😮

NOTE: People with conditions like hypertension must refrain from practicing this pranayama. ❌

Also, I am sharing a link to an article Why Do I Procrastinate So Much for your reference published by me on Mantra Care. Happy Reading! 🙂